Silicone & Rubber Parts Making
WeLink provides quality silicone & rubber parts for industries of electronic, automotive, Medical, industrial, packing, etc..Welink silicone and rubber shop has inhouse molds making capacity, inhouse production include both silicone/rubber stamping and silicone injection molding, what’s more, Welink has advanced technology of sliicone overmoling & insert molding.
WeLink Rubber/Silicone Solutions
At first years, WeLink was asked to purchase some silicone parts of some plastic molded products that made molds and molding in WeLink. The requests increase year by year, we realized that would be a opportunity. So WeLink acquired a 13 years old (2016) rubber&silicone factory. In this way, we support our customers better quality and cost rubber and silicone parts.
Now WeLink Rubber&Silicone Factory has one-stop rubber&silicone services include product design, material selection, mold design, mold making, injection molding,compression moulding, sheet cutting, silk printing, painting,etc. Our silicone rubber products are used in applications involving household appliances, automobiles, new energy, electronics, medical equipment.
WeLink has established a well-equipped laboratory for the development of various products and request provided a reliable support and guarantee. Produce in line with the ROHS, FDA, RECAH, LFGB standards of various types of production. We have Store room, Press curing Department, Dust-free workshop, Punching Dept, Tooling house, Package room, Staff canteen and Entertainment equipment.